This island is so jam-packed with natural resources that each person here could easily have food, clothing, shelter, and everything necessary to be healthy and happy. Sunlight, sea breeze, fresh food combined with healthy habits is a cure for most ailments.

If you are someone who is sincerely interested in learning about the land, agriculture, or what nature really is (not just city parks and golf courses) Puerto Rico offers everything you need. Not only is the cost of living less than 1/3 of what it takes to live in places like GA or NJ. Food grows here year-round, its a wonder why most of its citizens are on food stamps… People look at the Puerto Ricans on welfare not wanting to farm and call them lazy, sounds familiar to the brothers and sisters from the states.

Because of its wealth Isla de la Enchanto doesn’t need anymore people coming here to take and give nothing back in return. This island, like every population of Original People on the planet, is being robbed of its wealth, socially, environmentally, and every other way. Newly rich crypto-investors coming here taking advantage of the financial opportunities provided by initiatives like Act-20, and more, make the problem worse by taking money budgeted to build up Puerto Rico and instead using it to fund their own extravagant lifestyles. Did you know it was illegal here for a time to speak about Puerto Rican independence? Makes you wonder what effect that kind of fear/punishment campaign has on a people isolated on an island with no outside support. No doubt its something similar to the inner cities in the US where we all feel isolated. One of the greatest robberies suffered is our ability to freely trust one another. Not being connected to the people around you hurts, thats why if you coming here you need to be ready to clean yourself of the worst habits learned in a dog-eat-dog world and learn how to respect yourselves, your neighbors, and the people you dont know! Men eat fruit and vegetables.

The Original people of this land were called the Tainos, stories written about them by the savages who conquered with religion, experimentation, and politics, tells us that they were a beautiful people who lived in harmony with nature. We who grew up in cities don’t have any idea what that means, and thats not good. We need to reeducate ourselves, all of us. This is a time when we need warriors, adventurers, and cultivators to stand and work together to create the paradise that has always existed for us. Its only a dream if you dont get up and get to work, and its easier if we all work together.

If you are uninterested in developing your character, Only coming here to gain, or because you have burned through your own resources where you currently reside-Please, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!


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