Health is wealth! Our students develop discipline and respect through traditional African martial arts as well as a home gardening program showing them how to grow their own food. They also learn how to prepare healthy vegan meals and keep their homes clean and safe.

Why don’t more schools teach life and business skills? We know we need to! Our math program focuses on real world math and its connection with business and science. Our business classes focuses on youth entrepreneurship and family-based business development, teaching children self-employment and self-empowerment at an early age. This kind of learning pays off!

Science shouldn’t be boring. At SOIL, it isn’t! Our science program covers everything from astronomy to zoology, with a focus on natural health and knowledge of self. Children study nature on daily outings in our local nature preserves. Indoors they learn coding, engineering, and the art of invention. For us, Indigenous means “inner genius” is “in our genes”!

If they know who they are, they’ll become who they’re meant to be! Throughout the day, we incorporate life lessons, affirmations, and an appreciation for “the science of self.” Our children grow into healthy emotional and social maturity, as well as ethical responsibility, and bring those principles into the greater world. Why don’t more schools teach this?

Let’s get free! Our social studies program prepares our students for the modern world through immersive experiences in and around the school community. Every week we end up somewhere new! We visit historical landmarks and show reverence for our ancestors, as well as major attractions to learn about marketing and consumer psychology. We also visit parks just to play!

We count on our families and supporters to develop a true “conscious community” in this city, one that thrives and succeeds through common unity focused on the wellbeing of our children! Our families regularly visit the school to volunteer, mentor, and guest teach special classes!

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